We‘re here to create a world beyond labels, where all are appreciated and valued for the talents they have.

We teach people to challenge themselves, and guide them to widen their perspective. We provide tools, resources and access to expertise.

Labels confine us

We are conditioned to fit into particular groups, and think in certain ways. It’s restrictive and oppressive. 

We are not our full selves

We operate in a reductive way, unable to show others who we really are. We dumb down, shy away. Our self-belief can be fragile. We are not fully present. Our productivity and creativity is constrained.

No one is born a winner or a loser

Some groups of people are hit harder and constrained further. Sometimes, whole communities suffer.

Everyone is important

We believe in bringing opportunity to all, and we believe in the power of systemic change to bring about new conversations and better collaborations. We believe that you are unique and your distinctive qualities make you special.

The Psalt Story

Watch the conversation with our co-founders as they unpack our journey and our vision for the future.