Partner with us

We’re obsessed with under-represented talent. We work with you to meet your early-talent recruitment needs, increasing diversity within your organisation.

What you get


Access to our Rise Community

Our Rise Community is a growing pool of diverse talent ready to realise their full potential within an industry leading organisation.

Partner events

Through partnership we will amplify your organisation profile within our community.

We do this by running partner events at both an industry and company level. These are always free of charge for our community to attend.

Ongoing support

All our community members receive ongoing career support, meaning that any successful candidates that join your organisation will have the support they need to thrive.


What people are saying

“Psalt have provoked us to think differently about how we champion meaningful inclusion not just internally but across our industry and networks. It’s through individual actions that we can ensure the shift happens, and for us the Psalt mentoring program created change and action in all our leaders.”

Helen Marriott
HR Director – Danone


Our partners

We partner with leading global organisations in order to provide you with access to the best career opportunities available.